These lists represent the surnames of freedmen from the Seminole tribe who were adopted through the Dawes Commission, between 1898 and 1916.
Note that many of these names appear in other Indian nation lists, and their appearance here does not provide proof of Black Indian Ancestry.
In addition to these items, it is recommended that the researcher obtain as much oral history as possible on the family, and then locate the Dawes records on the family, including the names of ancestors on the Enrollment Cards and other pertinent records.
These names represent only the Seminole freedmen of Oklahoma, and not the Seminoles of Florida.
A Dandy Johnie Morrison Se-ne
Aaron Daniel Johnoche Mosar Sentevey
Abb Davey Johnsey Moses Sigler
Abey David Johnson Mot-hoh-ye Silla
Abraham Davis Jonah Mulcussey Sillah
Adam Davison Jonasse Mulcy Semleteke
Adams Dean Jones Mulgusse Simma
Ahaisse Deer Joney Mulleah Silla
A-ha-la-ko-chee Dennis Josey Mundy Sim-me-te-da-kee
Ahaloke Dicey Joseph Mungo Sim-e-di-ha-kee
Ah-ho-he Dillsa Joshua Munnah Simena
Ah-weep-ka Dinah Judy Muthoye Simon
Albert Dindy July Sissie
Alberty Dosar Jumper N Sissy
Alec Doser June Nancy Skiff
Aleck Doyle Nannie Smith
Alecky Drew K Napoeche Solomon
Alex Dunford Kamabe Narcome Sona
Alexander Dunlap Kane Natukse Sonny
Alfa Dyal Kaney Nellie Sowanoke
Alfred Dyer Katie Nellsie Sowatske
Alice Katy Nelly Spencer
Alicky E Kenah Nelsey Stafey
Allen Echoille Keno Ne-ma Stanton
Alley Edmond Ke-pa-ya Nero Steel
Allie Eliza Key Nevins Stephenson
Amesta Ellen King Nicey Stepney
Amey Elochee Kinnona Nitchey Steppe
Amos Elsa Kissie Nitey Stewart
Amy Elsie Kith-lee Noah Stidham
Anderson Elizabeth Kotska Noble Street
Anna Emartha Nokoseka Suc-car-see
Annie Emarthla L Nokusile Sullivan
Annoche Emarthoge Lanego Nora Sumka
Archibald Emmy Larney Noska Sumpsey
Archockee Emoche Lasley Nuksokoche Sunday
Archole En-le-te-ke Leader Sunny
Es-ho-po-na-ka Leah O Susanna
B Estachuksehoke Lelusse Okfuska Susey
Baby Estomethla Lena Okfuskey Susie
Baker Eunasse Letka Okfusky Suthoye
Barkus Lewis Omayaye Su-wa-key
Barnett F Liley Osborne
Barney Factor Lina Otheche T
Barricklow Fanny Lincoln Tahike
Bean Fay Lindsey P Talmasey
Bear Fekhoniye Litka Palmer Talmascy
Beard Fife Little Paney Tanyan
Becky Fik-hith-ka Lizzie Parney Tar-co-sar
Bemo Fish Losata Parnoche Tayeche
Bennett Fixico Lodie Parnosa Taylor
Berry Flanley London Par-nos-co-che Tecumseh
Bettie Foster Lopka Parsosee Teller
Betsy Fox Lottie Parnoskey Tena
Billy Freeman Lotty Paroah Te-tah-ke
Bottley Fulsom Louie Passake Tewe
Bowlegs Fuswa Louisa Pa-ta-ge Tewee
Brown Futcha-hoke Lousanna Payne Thahoyane
Bruce Futopeche Lovett Pennose Thasate
Bruner Lowe Perryman Thlocco
Bryant G Lowery Peter Thocco
Buck Gaines Lowesa Phena Thomas
Buddy Gano Lowine Phenie Thompson
Bull George Lowiney Philip Tiger
Burden Gibbs Lozana Phillip Tikahche
Burgess Gibson Lucina Phillips Ti-u-na
Butler Gibsy Lucy Pheobe Tobie
Goat Lula Pilot Toche
C Gooden Lumba Pochuswa Tolmochusse
Caesar Gordon Lumsey Polly Tolomka
Canard Grant Lundo Pompey Tommy
Carbechochee Gray Lusoche Ponkilla Toney
Carbiticher Grayson Lustey Ponluste Tulla
Carolina Greenleaf Pon-no-kee Tulsay
Carpitche Ground M Porter Turner
Carr McCoy Possuk
Carter H McCulla Pottey U
Catcher Hagie McGeisy Powell Ut-tley
Catchoche Haney McGeisey Proctor
Charlesey Hanna McGirt Pullotka V
Charley Hannah McIntosh Puncho Vann
Charlie Hardy McNac Punka
Charty Harjo Mahale Punluste W
Checotah Harjoche Mahardy Putkeh Wadsworth
Che-da-ka Harrison Malinda Waitey
Cheeska Hatty Mandy R Wakkie
Chepaney Hawkins Maney Rabbit Walker
Cheparney Hayecha Manuel Raiford Wallace
Cheponoska Hayes Marcus Reed Walter
Chippee Henne-ho-chee Marcy Renton War-le-do
Chisholm Henny Maria Renty Warrior
Chochee Henry Marks Rhoda Washington
Choharjo Hepsey Marpiyecher Riley Wasutke
Chosey Hesahoka Marshal Ripley Watson
Chotka Hill Marshall Robert Watty
Chotke Hilly Martha Roberts Weattie
Chotkey Hochifke Marthla Roe Webster
Choya Hoktochee Martin Rosanna Weely
Chulma Hoktoke Marty Ross Wellington
Chumsey Holata Mary Wells
Chupco Holatka Matuth-hoke S Wesley
Chupcogee Hollins Maude Sa-che-meche West
Church Holmes Mecco Saketheche Wetley
Cindy Hopoille Meley Sakoeka White
Clark Hotulke Melishkoche Sakteke Whitfield
Cloud Hulbutta Melisse Saley Wildcat
Cobb Hulhoke Melo Salina Willea
Co-e-see Hulleah Mogee Salinda William
Coffee Hully Meney Sallie Williamkee
Coker Hulwa Mesale Sally Williams
Coley Hutke Mesaley Saloche Williamse
Concharty Hutche Metetakee Salma Williamsee
Condella Micco Sam Willie
Condulle I Miley Samby Willis
Conhecha Ida Miller Samele Wilsey
Conner Iley Milley Sammah Wilson
Co-nok-kee Ishmael Millie Sammy Winey
Contaley Island Mills Samochee Winton
Coody Milly Sampson Wise
Cooper J Milsey Samuel Wisey
Cornelius Jacksey Mimey Sancho Wisner
Cosar Jackson Mina Sandrige Witlow
Cotcha Jacksy Minda Sandy Wright
Cowake Jacob Mingo Sango Wyetka
Co-wok-o-chee Jakey Misselda Sando Wolf
Cox James Missena Sapalpake Wood
Crain Janey Missey Sapehunka Wotko
Crane Jannati Missie Sapokhohthe
Crow Jefferson Mitchell Sarber Y
Cudjo Jemima Mitchile Sarney Ya-fo-la-gee
Cudjoe Jennetta Mokoyike Scipio Yahola
Cully Jennie Moleya Scott Yakopuche
Cumpsey Jesse Mollie Seeley Yamie
Cumseh Jimmey Molly Sefah Yanah
Cundy Jimmie Monacheke Seharney Yarber
Cunny Jimmy Monday Sehoka Yarnah
Cunsah Jimpka Monkah Sehunka Yekcha
Cynda Jimpsey Mooney Selba Yoney
Cyrus Joanna Moore Selda Youngs
Jo-co-chee Moppin Selma Yowelle
D Joe Morgan Semissee
Daily John Morris Sena