
August 28, 2004

Kiowa Apache White Buffalo Woman Legend


The story and teachings of White Buffalo Woman.

Legends, like most history, are often corrupted and embellished by the
conquerors. Whatever the means of conquest may have been, the stories about
the victories are usually cleaned up for later generations to make them more
palatable. Those who “remember” are very confused by what is being
circulated today about the story and teachings of White Buffalo Woman. The
truth will shock many, infuriate some, and yet, those with pure hearts who
recognise truth will not be intimidated by it. Instead, they will welcome
the disclosure.

The legend of White Buffalo Woman has been corrupted by the victors and even
her name has been altered to include the word “Calf”. This account is being
presented to set the record straight.
This article has permanently moved to the Apache Tribes website in the Kiowa-Apache Legendsection.

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