Native American Tribes of the United States


    Esselen Indians

    August 14, 2017

    Originally given the status of a distinct stock, the Esselen are now placed in the Hokan linguistic family, their affinities being rather with the Yuman division, to the south, and with the Porno, Yana, and other groups to the north than with their closer neighbors of this stock, the Salinan and Chumash tribes.

    Hokan language family

    Yana Indians

    August 14, 2017

    In the early nineteenth century, the Yana lived in the upper Sacramento River Valley and the adjacent eastern foothills. The elevation of their territory ranged between 300 and 10,000 feet. The Yana Indians were originally considered an independent linguistic stock but are now placed in the larger Hokan family. Its four divisions were Northern, Central, Southern, and Yahi.

    Hokan language family

    Wintun Indians

    August 14, 2017

    The Wintun were formerly considered a part of Powell’s Copehan stock and the Wintun of Kroeber (1932) but are now placed in the Penutian family. Synonym for Wintu.

    Penutian language family
    August 14, 2017

    The Dakubetede were an Athapascan tribe of Oregon which extended slightly beyond the northern border of California. The Dakubetede belonged to the Athapascan linguistic stock, using a dialect identical with that of the Taltushtuntude.

    Athabaskan (Dene') Language

    Karok Indians

    August 14, 2017

    Originally considered an independent stock, the Karok are now classed in a much larger linguistic connection known as the Hokan family. Their closest relatives are the Chimariko and Shasta.

    Hokan language family

    Mohave Indians

    August 13, 2017

    The Mohave occupied some territory in the neighborhood of the Colorado River. The Mohave belong to the Yuman linguistic family.

    Yuman Language
    August 13, 2017

    Yokut Creation Story

    A Great Flood had occurred upon Earth long, long ago. While Earth was still covered with water, there were no living creatures upon the land.

    Then out of the sky one day glided an enormous Eagle with a black Crow riding upon its back, searching for a place to light.

    Yokut Legends