Source: Public Domain Documents
“We are vanishing from the earth, yet I cannot think we are useless or Usen
(God) would not have created us…. For each tribe of men Usen created, He
also made a home.”
“When Usen created the Apaches, He also created their
homes in the West. He gave them such grain, fruits, and game as they needed
to eat.”
“To restore their health when disease attacked them He taught them
where to find these herbs, and how to prepare them for medicine.”
“He gave
them a pleasant climate and all they needed for clothing and shelter was at
hand. Thus it was in the beginning: the Apaches and their homes each created
for the other by Usen himself.”
“When they are taken from these homes they
sicken and die. How long will it be until it is said there are no Apaches?” Words of Goyathlay (Geronimo) has permanently moved to our new apache historical speech section.