Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica

Many Indian Tribes ,including the Mayan , believed they were seeded from the Pleiadians. Ancient indian civilizations in North America developed over roughly the last 20,000 years, according to archaeologists. According to the indian tribes living today, most of them say they have always been here on the North American continent. Many archaeological periods, cultures, complexes, and peoples have been identified in North America. These are generally divided into five periods. The Paleo Indians were an ancient civilization that lived during the Lithic stage (18000 BCE – 8000 BCE) and this is when we first see stone tools. The Archaic period (8000 BCE – 1000 BCE), is divided into an early, middle, and late stages. In this period, we first see evidence of sedentary farming practices. During the Formative stage, ancient north american people developed the technologies of pottery, weaving, and developed food production. Social organization began to involve permanent towns and villages, as well as the first ceremonial centers in these ancient indian civilizations. During the Classic stage, we begin to see complex social structures as ancient indian civilizations developed craft specializations and the beginnings of metallurgy. During this period, we see the beginnings of urbanism and large ceremonial centers. During the Post-Classic stage (1000 BCE – Present), we see advanced metallurgy and social organization involving complex urbanism and militarism. 
Ancient Civilizations Articles on Old Site:
Ais Moundbuilders Anasazi Beothuk Indians Cahokia Mounds art exhibit showcases moundbuilder artifacts: Hero, Hawk and Open Hand Cahokia Mounds mark Illinois’ most ancient city Fremont people, ancient indians that lived from 700 to 1300 AD Predecessors of the Hohokam Agriculture of the Hohokam Indians Clothing and footwear of the Hohokam Indians Hunting and gathering practices of the Hohokam Discovery of Hohokam ruins surprises archaeologists Hohokam Indians of the Tucson Basin Karankawa Indians: Extinct tribe of Texas The Rise and Fall of the Mayan Empire Mayan crystal skulls Unraveling Mayan mysteries Hailing the solstice and telling time, Mayan style  Mississippi Mound BuildersThe Olmec IndiansOlmec artThe Olmec GodsOlmec WritingOneota Discovery in Wisconsin stirs scientific debate: Did two different cultures meet?  Indian cultures in US pre-columbian timelineShanawdithit, the last Beothuk

October 22, 2015

Members of the Mayan ethnics from Yucatan, Chiapas and Guatemala launched the website “Living the Mayan time, sun, corn and Calendar”, which aims to provide teachers and high school students with content in Maya Astronomy and Mathematics.

“It is an effort that brought the work of more than 130 people, of which 95 percent belong to the Maya indigenous from Yucatan, Chiapas and Guatemala, who worked to create a web page that highlights the ancestral knowledge of this civilization in areas such as astronomy and the calendar. This Mayan culture site will provide interactive tools in Maya Math lessons for children and high school teachers,” declared Isabel Hawkins.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
September 7, 2007

AUTHOR: Knute Berger

Five years ago this July, an ancient skeleton was found on the banks of the Columbia River during a hydroplane race near Kennewick, Washington. When the bones turned out to be a major archaeological find, the remains of a 9,000 year-old prehistoric man, a political, legal, cultural, and racial battle ensued. Just who was Kennewick Man, who owned his bones, and what should be done with them?

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
February 20, 2007

DNA extracted from a 10,300-year-old tooth found in On Your Knees Cave on Prince of Wales Island off southern Alaska in 1996 reveals a previously unknown lineage for the people who first arrived in the Americas. A study of the oldest known sample of human DNA in the Americas suggests that humans arrived in the New World relatively recently, around 15,000 years ago.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
April 17, 2005

By 500 BC, the St. Johns culture has become firmly established. A change in pottery-making methods marks this shift. Pots are made by coil construction rather than by simply forming pots from a slab, and the tempers have changed. Pelotes Island is affected by Georgia styles and Florida styles. Up in Georgia, sand was used as a temper to harden the clay. Sometimes pottery with both sand and fibers are found, demonstrating the slow shift to new technology. The Florida style required the potter to use clay from fresh water sources containing fresh-water sponges.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
April 17, 2005

The earliest hard evidence we have for Native American occupation of Pelotes and Pinders Islands dates from about 2000 BC. Both islands possesses shell middens (giant oyster trash piles) which are full of fiber-tempered pottery. This pottery was made by mixing clay with fibers from Spanish moss or saw palmetto and firing it. The fibers function as a temper and keep the pot from cracking during the firing process.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
November 26, 2004

The center of the Aztec civilization was the Valley of Mexico, a huge, oval basin about 7,500 feet above sea level. The Aztec empire included many cities and towns, especially in the Valley of Mexico. The largest city in the empire was the capital, Tenochtitlan.

The early settlers built log rafts, then covered them with mud and planted seeds to create roots and develop more solid land for building homes in this marshy land. Canals were also cut out through the marsh so that a typical Aztec home had its back to a canal with a canoe tied at the door.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
November 26, 2004

The Aztec Gods and Goddesses

It is estimated that the Aztecs had over 1,700 gods and goddesses, many of whom required human sacrifices. Based on the number of sacred temples located, scientists have estimated approximately a quarter million humans were sacrificed every year, roughly equivalent to 1% of the population. Here is a partial list of the Aztec gods and goddesses.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
November 26, 2004

The Aztecs established a lineage of emperors. Each emperor was elected from the royal lineage by a council made up of priest, warriors, and nobles. The reigns would first pass from brother to brother before they were passed to the next generation . Below is a list of known Aztec emperors and the probable dates of their rulership.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
July 25, 2003

KEYWORDS: ancient American civilizations Clovis people DNA evidence genetic signatures Siberian and American Indian populations 30,000 years ago 13,000 years ago 8,000 years ago DNA sequence of Siberian men’s Y chromosomes M242 13,600 years ago first human migrations to the New World female migrations American languages fall into three groups, known as Amerind, Na-Dene and […]

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica
September 19, 2001

The story of the Aztecs’ rise to power is awe inspiring one, and is one of the most remarkable stories in world history. They were a relatively unknown group of people who came into the Valley of Mexico during the 12th and 13th century A.D., and rose to be the greatest power in the Americas by the time the Spaniards arrived, in the 16th century.

Ancient native american civilizations in Mesoamerica