Native American Quotes

Native American Quotes
Native American quotes, speeches, oratory about love, nature, proverbs, prayers, and inspirational quotes from famous chiefs like Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Black Elk, and more. Native American blessings, wedding prayers, and wisdom quotes.

Cherokee Quotes

August 17, 2015

Here are a few quotes from people of Cherokee ancestry. “Cherokee blood, if not destroyed, will win it’s course in beings of fair complexions, who will read that their ancestors became civilized under the frowns of misfortune, and the causes of their enemies.” — John Ridge creator of The Cherokee Phoenix and son of The […]

Native American Quotes
November 2, 2014

Here are some wisdom quotes from the great Kiowa war chief, Santana. Satanta was one of the most complicated men ever to rise from the Great Plains–a diplomat and orator who spoke eloquently in treaty negotiations, and was also a war chief who led his people at some of the bloodiest battles fought by the Kiowa warriors.

Native American Quotes
November 2, 2014

Here are some quotes by the famous Duwamish Chief Seattle from the Pacific Northwest. The city of Seattle, Washington is named after him, but Seattle is a mispronounciation of his real name, which is Chief Sealth.

Native American Quotes
October 3, 2014

Quotes attributed to Nicholas Black Elk [Hehaka Sapa] (c. December 1863 – 17 August or 19 August 1950) was a famous Wichasha Wakan (Medicine Man or Holy Man) and Heyoka of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux). He participated at about the age of twelve in the Battle of Little Big Horn of 1876, and was wounded in the massacre that occurred at Wounded Knee in 1890.

Native American Quotes
April 12, 2014

This native American quote by Shawnee Chief Tecumseh about fear and death inspires you to make this life count, to pursue noble undertakings, and live to the fullest  having used all your talents and have no regrets.

Native American Quotes
October 31, 2004

Ohiyesa speaks of Sioux tribal traditions… KEYWORDS: Ohiyesa tribal traditions sioux culture sioux spirituality sioux beliefs on death sioux religious teachings sioux medicine sioux animal spirits sioux marriage customs sioux women souix names sioux property division sioux warfare traditions sioux moral standards teachings of Ohiyesa Charles Alexander Eastman Excerpts from the book “The Soul Of […]

Native American Quotes