Extinct Native American Tribes T to V

An alphabetical list of extinct native american indian tribes of the United States T to V. Each tribal profile explains who they were, where they lived, how they lived, an account of first contact with Europeans, population if known, and a brief explanation of what happed to them.Links to tribal profile pages are at the bottom of the page.


Some Extinct, Some Not?
TACULLIES, “people who go upon water;” on head waters of Frazier’s River, La. TAHAGROUDIE, about Detroit in 1723 ; probably Tsonothouans. TAHUACANA, on River Brazos; 3 tribes; 180 m. up; 1,200 in 1820. TALLAHASSE, (Seminoles,) 15 in 1820, between Oloklikana and Mikasaukie. TALLEWHEANA, (Seminoles,) 210 in 1820, on E. side Flint River, near the Chehaws. TAMARONAS, a tribe of the Illinois ; perhaps Peorias afterwards. TAMATLES, (Seminoles,) 7 m. above the Ocheeses, and numbered 220 in 1820. TARRATINES, E. of Pascataqua River; the Nipmuks so called the Abenakies. TATTOWHEHALLYS, (Seminoles,) 130 in 1820; since scattered among other towns. TAUKAWAYS, on the sources of Trinity, Brazos, De Dios, and Colorado Rivers. TAWAKENOE, “Three Canes,” W. side Brazos r., 200 m. W. of Nacogdoches, 1804. TAwAWs, (Hurons,) on the Mawme in 1780, 18 in. from Lake Erie. TELMOCRESSE, (Seminoles,) W. side Chattahoochee, 15 in. above fork ; 100 in 1820. TENISAW, once on that river which flows into Mobile Bay ; went to Red r. in 1765. TETONS, (Sioux,) “vile miscreants,” on Mississ., Misso., St. Peter’s ; “real pirates.” TIONONTATIES, or DINONDADIES, a tribe of Hurons, or their general name. TOCKWOOHS, one of the Six tribes on the Chesapeak in 1607. TONICAS, 20 warriors in 1784, on Mississippi, opp. Point Coupe; once numerous. TONKAHANS, a nation or tribe of Texans, said to be cannibals. TONKAWA, 700 in 1820, erratic, about Bay St. Bernardo. TOTEROS, on the mountains N. of the Sapones, in N. Carolina, in 1700. TOTCSKEYS. See MORATOKS. TOWACANNO, or TOWOASH, one of three tribes on the Brazos. See TAHUACANA. TSONONTHOUANS, Hennepin so called the Senecas; by Cox, called Sonnontovans. TUKABATCHE, on Tallapoosie River, 30 in. above Fort Alabama, in 1775. TUNICA, (Mobilian,) on Red River, 90 in. above its mouth ; but 30 in 1820. TUNXIS, (Mohegans,) once in Farmington, Conn. ; monument erected to them, 1840 TUSHEPAHAS, and OOTLASHOOTS, 5,600 in 1820, on Clark’s and Missouri Rivers. TUSCARORA, on Neus r., N. Carolina, till 1712 ; a few now in Lewiston, Niagara r. TUTELOES. See MANGOAKS, or MANGOAGS. TUTSEEWA, on a river W. Rocky Mts., supposed to be a branch of the Columbia. TWIGHTWEES, (Miamies,) in 1780, on the Great Miami; so called by the Iroquois.
UCHEE, once on Chattauchee r., 4 towns ; some went to Florida, some west. UFALLAH, (Seminoles,) 670 in 1820, 12 m. above Fort Gaines, on Chattahoochee r. UGALJACHMUTZI, a tribe about Prince William’s Sound, N. W. coast. ULSEAH, on coast of the Pacific, S. Columbia, beyond the Neekcetoos; 150 in 1820 UNALACHTGO, one of the three tribes once composing the Lenna Lenape. UNAMIES, the head tribe of Lenna Lenape. UNCHAGOOS, a tribe anciently on Long Island, New York. UPSAROKA, (Minetare,) commonly called Crows.
Indian Tribes and Nations existing in 1880. Some now Extinct?
TACULLIES, “people who go upon water;” on head waters of Frazier’s River, La. TAHAGROUDIE, about Detroit in 1723 ; probably Tsonothouans. TAHUACANA, on River Brazos; 3 tribes; 180 m. up; 1,200 in 1820. TALLAHASSE, (Seminoles,) 15 in 1820, between Oloklikana and Mikasaukie. TALLEWHEANA, (Seminoles,) 210 in 1820, on E. side Flint River, near the Chehaws. TAMARONAS, a tribe of the Illinois ; perhaps Peorias afterwards. TAMATLES, (Seminoles,) 7 m. above the Ocheeses, and numbered 220 in 1820. TARRATINES, E. of Pascataqua River; the Nipmuks so called the Abenakies. TATTOWHEHALLYS, (Seminoles,) 130 in 1820; since scattered among other towns. TAUKAWAYS, on the sources of Trinity, Brazos, De Dios, and Colorado Rivers. TAWAKENOE, “Three Canes,” W. side Brazos r., 200 m. W. of Nacogdoches, 1804. TAwAWs, (Hurons,) on the Mawme in 1780, 18 in. from Lake Erie. TELMOCRESSE, (Seminoles,) W. side Chattahoochee, 15 in. above fork ; 100 in 1820. TENISAW, once on that river which flows into Mobile Bay ; went to Red r. in 1765. TETONS, (Sioux,) “vile miscreants,” on Mississ., Misso., St. Peter’s ; “real pirates.” TIONONTATIES, or DINONDADIES, a tribe of Hurons, or their general name. TOCKWOOHS, one of the Six tribes on the Chesapeak in 1607. TONICAS, 20 warriors in 1784, on Mississippi, opp. Point Coupe; once numerous. TONKAHANS, a nation or tribe of Texans, said to be cannibals. TONKAWA, 700 in 1820, erratic, about Bay St. Bernardo. TOTEROS, on the mountains N. of the Sapones, in N. Carolina, in 1700. TOTCSKEYS. See MORATOKS. TOWACANNO, or TOWOASH, one of three tribes on the Brazos. See TAHUACANA. TSONONTHOUANS, Hennepin so called the Senecas; by Cox, called Sonnontovans. TUKABATCHE, on Tallapoosie River, 30 in. above Fort Alabama, in 1775. TUNICA, (Mobilian,) on Red River, 90 in. above its mouth ; but 30 in 1820. TUNXIS, (Mohegans,) once in Farmington, Conn. ; monument erected to them, 1840 TUSHEPAHAS, and OOTLASHOOTS, 5,600 in 1820, on Clark’s and Missouri Rivers. TUSCARORA, on Neus r., N. Carolina, till 1712 ; a few now in Lewiston, Niagara r. TUTELOES. See MANGOAKS, or MANGOAGS. TUTSEEWA, on a river W. Rocky Mts., supposed to be a branch of the Columbia. TWIGHTWEES, (Miamies,) in 1780, on the Great Miami; so called by the Iroquois.
UCHEE, once on Chattauchee r., 4 towns ; some went to Florida, some west. UFALLAH, (Seminoles,) 670 in 1820, 12 m. above Fort Gaines, on Chattahoochee r. UGALJACHMUTZI, a tribe about Prince William’s Sound, N. W. coast. ULSEAH, on coast of the Pacific, S. Columbia, beyond the Neekcetoos; 150 in 1820 UNALACHTGO, one of the three tribes once composing the Lenna Lenape. UNAMIES, the head tribe of Lenna Lenape. UNCHAGOOS, a tribe anciently on Long Island, New York. UPSAROKA, (Minetare,) commonly called Crows.

April 17, 2005

When Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, and “discovered” the Americas, he brought many changes. Over the next seventy years, the Spanish sent ships up the east coast of North America, but focused on Florida’s west coast and Central and South America. Although the Spanish did meet the Timucuas, much of our information about these Native Americans comes from the French. The French explorers lived in the Jacksonville area, near Chief Saturiwa and his people, for a little over a year.

Extinct Native American Tribes T to V
April 17, 2005

In the early sixteenth century native people who spoke the Timucua language occupied most of the northern one-third of peninsular Florida (east of the Aucilla River), apparently not including the Gulf of Mexico coast. The Timucua also inhabited southeastern Georgia as far north as the Altamaha River. In 1492 this large area, about 19,200 square miles, was home to approximately 200,000 people.

Extinct Native American Tribes T to V