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By Tribe
Arctic Tribes
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Athapaskan Tribes
Eskimo / Inuit Natives
Yupik / Cupik Natives
Sub Arctic Tribes
Deg Hit’an
Tribes by State
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Arkansas Indian Tribes
California Indian Tribes
Colorado Indian Tribes
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Florida Tribes
Hawaii Tribes
Idaho Indian Tribes
Illinois Indian Tribes
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Kansas Tribes
Michigan Indian Tribes
Nevada Tribes
Oklahoma Indian Tribes
South Carolina Tribes
Virginia Indian Tribes
Washington Indian Tribes
Wisconsin Tribes
Tribes by Language
Algic Language Family
Algonquian Languages
Central Algonquian
Montagnais Language
Naskapi Language
Plains Cree Language
Kickapoo Language
Menominee Language
Plains Algonquian
Blackfoot Language
Wiyot Language
Caddoan Language Family
California Language Dialects
Hokan language family
Washoe Language
Yuman Language
Muskogean Language Family
Western Muskogean
Na-Dene Language Family
Athabaskan (Dene’) Language
Northern Athabaskan Languages
Central Alaska-Yukon Athabascan Languages
Southern Athabaskan Languages
Apachean Languages
Penutian language family
Lang->Warm Springs
Salishan Language Family
Siouan-Catawban Language Family
Missouri River Siouan
Hidatsa Language
Uto-Aztecan Language Family
Yuki–Wappo Languages
Caddoan Language
Chimakuan Language
Chinookan Language
Chumashan Language
Comecrudan Family
Na-Dene Language
Athabaskan (Dene’) Language
Northern Athabaskan Languages
Central Alaska-Yukon Athabascan Languages
Southern Athabaskan Languages
Apachean Languages
Coosan Language
Algic Language Family
Algonquian Languages
Central Algonquian
Montagnais Language
Naskapi Language
Plains Cree Language
Kickapoo Language
Menominee Language
Plains Algonquian
Blackfoot Language
Wiyot Language
Algonquian Languages
Central Algonquian
Montagnais Language
Naskapi Language
Plains Cree Language
Kickapoo Language
Menominee Language
Plains Algonquian
Blackfoot Language
Wiyot Language
Missouri River Siouan
Hidatsa Language
Penutian family
Lang->Warm Springs
Hokan Languages
Washoe Language
Yuman Language
Washoe Language
Creole Language Family
Muskogean Languages
Western Muskogean
Eskimo-Aleut Languages
Salishan Language Family
Uto-Aztecan Languages
Keresan Language Isolate
California Languages
Iroquoian Languages
Athabaskan Language
Northern Athabaskan Languages
Central Alaska-Yukon Athabascan Languages
Southern Athabaskan Languages
Apachean Languages
US Tribes A to Z
Extinct Tribes A-Z
Extinct American Indian Tribes K to M
Extinct Indian Tribes W to Z
Extinct Native American Indian Tribes N-P
Extinct Native American Tribes A-C
Extinct Native American Tribes T to V
State Recognized Tribes
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Black Indians A-Z
State Recognized Tribes
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State Tribes E-G
State Tribes H-J
State Tribes K-M
State Tribes N-P
State Tribes Q-S
State Tribes T-V
State Tribes N-P
State Tribes C-D
State Tribes E-G
State Tribes H-J
State Tribes K-M
State Tribes Q-S
State Tribes T-V
State Tribes W-Z
Extinct Tribes A-Z
Extinct American Indian Tribes K to M
Extinct Indian Tribes W to Z
Extinct Native American Indian Tribes N-P
Extinct Native American Tribes A-C
Extinct Native American Tribes T to V
Extinct Tribes A-C
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Extinct Tribes Q to S
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Extinct Tribes W to Z
US Tribes Q-S
Terminated Tribes
Unrecognized Tribes A-C
Unrecognized Tribes D-G
Unrecognized Tribes H-J
Unrecognized Tribes K-M
Unrecognized Tribes N-P
Unrecognized Tribes Q-S
Unrecognized Tribes T-V
Unrecognized Tribes W-Z
Unrecognized Tribes A-Z
California Tribes
Cahuilla Indians
Mission / Rancheria Indians
Pomo Indians
Yana / Yahi
Northeast Tribes
Abenaki Indians
Algonquin Tribes
Ojibwa / Chippewa
Ottawa Indians
Seneca Indians
Shawnee Indians
Ho Chunk Indians
Seneca Indians
Northwest Coast
Makah Indians
Plains Tribes
Blackfeet Tribe
Cheyenne Indians
Chippewa Indians
Crow Indians
Sioux Nation
Three Affiliated Tribes
Plateau Tribes
Colville Confederated Tribe
Nez Perce Indians
Southeast Tribes
Cherokee Indians
Choctaw Indian Tribe
Melungeon Indians
Muscogee (Creek) Tribes
Seminole Indians
Cherokee Indians
Muscogee (Creek) Tribes
Caddo Tribes
Melungeon Indians
Extinct Southeast Tribes
Seminole Indians
Choctaw Indian Tribe
Southwest Tribes
Apache Indians
Havasupai Indians
Hopi Indians
Hualapai Tribe
Navajo Indians
Pueblo Indians
Treaties by Tribe
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Indian Treaties A – C OLD
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Havasupai Indians
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Hualapai Tribe
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Shoshone Indian
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