
October 13, 2001

A MILLENNIUM TRIBUTE to The Wampanoag People and Other Native Peoples


A Millennium Tribute to The Native Peoples is a cultural and educational photo exhibit created by photographer and writer Kathy Sharp Frisbee.

The exhibit includes researched quotes from Native Leaders, US Presidents, Historians, Humanitarians, Athletes, Explorers, and Religious Leaders over the past 500 years, all commenting at their moment in time on the Native Peoples.

A Millennium Tribute to The Native Peoples is a cultural and educational photo exhibit created by photographer and writer Kathy Sharp Frisbee.

Based on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, Frisbee was inspired to create the exhibit by many people, both Native and non-Native.

Living in the ancient homeland of the Wampanoag People of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket islands, and coming to know many of the Wampanoag People present and past significantly inspired her work.

The exhibit includes researched quotes from Native Leaders, US Presidents, Historians, Humanitarians, Athletes, Explorers, and Religious Leaders over the past 500 years, all commenting at their moment in time on the Native Peoples.

President John F. Kennedy was another key inspiration. His quote is featured in the exhibit and shown on Frisbee’s website,, where a sampling of the exhibit appears.

For Frisbee, the exhibit began taking form four years ago, though she has come to realize that it has been forming over her entire lifetime, including a moment of awakening she had when she met two little Navajo sisters at a craft stand in the Four Corners region, when she was just 10 years old.

The exhibit is now showing at the Faxon Center Gallery of the Falmouth Hospital on Cape Cod. Future show schedules can be found on her website.

The exhibit is being considered by The United Nations for a future showing at their New York headquarters.

Its mission is to open the hearts and minds of people of all cultures to the true historical experience of the Native Peoples, and to highlight them for what they are – a noble people, the ancient first people of this land, whose roots go deeper in this soil than any other cultures’ roots will ever go.

This exhibit is a expression of deep respect and affection for The Native Peoples.

2001 Archives
About Raven SiJohn

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