
October 14, 2005

Pueblo Wedding Vase Ceremony


To celebrate the wedding ceremony indigenous people of the Southwest and Southeast used a pottery jar or pot with a handle on each side and two spouts, called a ‘wedding vase’. Usually a week or two before they are married by a priest, the future husband’s parents make the Wedding Vase.

When the vase has been made, the husband, along with his parents and all his relatives go to the bride’s house. The bride brings out everything she will need to establish their new home together: clothing, utensils, mattress, moccasins, corn and any other homemaking essentials, including her white manta wedding dress.

The parents of both the bride and the groom give the young couple advice to help them have a happy and successful marriage.

The vase is filled with water or herbal teas and the couple drinks from each side as a toast to their union. 

The couple first drink from one side, then the vase is turned and each sip from the other side. Finally, they both drink from the vase at the same time. This ceremony unites them as one.

It is said if the couple can drink from the vase at the same time and not spill a single drop, good understanding and a cooperative spirit will always be a part of their marriage. 

The couple will treasure the Vase throughout their married life. Should one of them outlive the other, the remaining person will give the vase to a couple known to be living a happily married life.

The wedding vase is treasured and protected always-it is never broken, discarded or destroyed.

Buy this Indian Wedding Vase Prayer Matted Art Print
Buy this Indian Wedding Blessing Matted Art Print

Wedding Customs
About Raven SiJohn

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